* Luthfi Mustafah

Luthi mustafah is an gerbil fictional character creator from singapore,born 31th

why name is KILLER GERBIL? 
he got the inspiration form his hamster name,Gerbil has the meaning of the street rat who went into the empty spaces and fill them with color
Killer Gerbil so famous,nike and jeans invited him to design they shoe or jeans now u can read bout Luthfi Mustafah in a magazine

the killer gerbil shoe design :

a few magazine whose talk bout him :

Magazine from Indonesia
Luthfi talked bout Babyboss :
"Indonesia's Babyboss magazine recently just did a 5 spread feature interview on yours truly. The trimonthly publication caters to anything from illustration to experimental art and everything else in between which features local talents and abroad and had been around for abit, the latest being issue 14 with Indonesia's very own Arkiv gracing the cover.

A huge thanks to Godot for the love and opportunity and the effort in translating the interview back in Bahasa!"

2. Nuyou magz

3.Invasian Issue

42 X 12

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